The solution:

The solution should be very simple. Buy American products made right here in the United States. But when you look around at everyone and you see that many people are still complaining of being broke, having a small budget, and having the compelling need to shop at a discount store like Walmart, Target, or CVS, than you realize that this takes more than just doing it yourself.

The solution lies with YOU getting other people to buy products and services here in the United States. And how do you do this? You do this by telling people and showing other people by example. The solution is all about helping people in the United States, helping the United States economy, and doing whatever it takes to make a positive difference. If half the country got on board, it would make a great difference. If even one fourth of the country got on board with this, a good positive change would come. We will never be able to get everyone to buy American products and use American services here in the U.S.A. That actually might not even be possible right now. But we can start.

People already have started. There are other sites, organizations, and people spreading the word. So the solution is all about spreading the word and getting as many people to shop American and use services right here in the United States.

Tell as many people as you can that it is possible to buy products made in the United States without going broke. Tell people that by buying products made in the U.S.A., they are building up demand for the Made in America label and thus more demand for American labor, jobs, and services. You can start, as I have, by telling people that if they try to buy products made in the good ‘ol U.S. of A. just once in a while if they are broke. When they get more money, they can start buying more products made in the United States. Start off slow if you have to but start. That’s what I say. Because when you think about it, if you are not conscious of what you are buying or where you are buying, you will end up buying products made in China, Mexico, and India. Now I am not saying that any of those places or people are bad. I’m just saying it’s time for America. It’s time we supported ourselves buy buying from each other despite the slightly higher price that may be. It’s time we took care of ourselves, brought our national debt down, and reclaimed some pride in the Made in America label. By the way, whenever I tell people that I make an effort weekly (and sometimes daily) to buy products made in the United States and use services in the United States… I tell them nicely in conversation. I never bully people into the topic or talk down to them in a patronizing way. And you know what, it’s made a difference because other people I know are now doing the same by supporting companies that create products made in the United States of America.

Showing by example is a great way to affect others around you in a positive way. I have a good hearted friend who is always yelling at people, “You have to do this….. ” and “You have to do that….” Well, I think the yelling approach, especially when it’s coming from a condescending voice, is not a good way to go about it. A great example is this; the last time I had a friend over for dinner, I showed them that the tomatoes we were eating were grown in our backyard and not from another country. The chicken I bought was from a small farm upstate. The sauce was mixed with a few things that I bought from a spice and hot sauce company right here in the United States. Also, All the Internet companies I use, whether it’s a domain name company or a hosting company, are all here in the United States including the customer service people I need to call once in a while So convincing people by example is a great way to get others on board.

Did you notice how many times we mentioned services? Unlike many of the other websites out there that say “Buy American,” we also mention services because this is another sector in America where jobs are being lost. People don’t think about it and they should. We need to support the service industry in the United States. There are many different types of services so don’t just sit there and think this is about customer service jobs. I, myself, am in the service industry. I do web design and management. Remember, there are many different types of services that you can get here in the United States that are very competitively priced. Once again, the more people use services that are based here in the United States, the more need there will be for service jobs here in the U.S.A. Recently, I needed a difficult job done for something I don’t do (Flash code). I went to one of the larger freelance websites/companies. I posted that I needed work done. After posting I got three responses. I thought I’d see at least one potential offer from the United States. I didn’t. There where three offers to do work for me; one was from Egypt and the other two were from Pakistan. Now I have nothing against anyone from other countries. Once again, please visit our about page. But I thought to myself, I want to pay someone here in the United States. Why do I want to send my money to Pakistan? I’ll leave all that extra talk out here as I’m sure all your heads are full of thoughts of the recent news of Osama bin Laden being caught and killed in Pakistan and how some in Pakistan actually help our enemies even though we give them billions of dollars a year. Forget all that. Even if all three were from soft and cozy Canada, I’d still do what I did. What I did was this; I let the job post expire and listed on Craigslist. I found someone from MIchigan and paid him to do the job. He did a great job and I’ll use him again. Once again, very important…. use American services and don’t just buy American products.

So there’s our solution. Tell as many people as you can and then show people by example all in a very easy going and fun way. I don’t try to push all this in people’s faces all the time. It’s all part of a larger conversation. But, sometimes I’ve been known to say to family and friends “I buy American. I support workers right here in the United States. And I use services in the U.S. What are you doing?”

And please don’t forget, shop at local independent stores that are owned and run by local people; like a local small pharmacy, a local hardware store, or a local ice cream shop. As a nation, we need to realize that when we go to CVS for small items like tissues or batteries, we neglect the small mom and pop stores or local pharmacies that will have batteries and tissues. We also are giving much of our money to companies that don’t pay local taxes. I have now decided that when we need tissues where I live, I go to a local mom and pop store to get those tissues and not at CVS. This is actually one of the most important things and probably should have been on top. Support local, small, independent stores (music stores, candy stores, hardware stores, ice cream stores, shopping stores,etc…).

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